Shipping Policy

We  ship your orders within 7 to 14 working days after you complete your purchase at During Sale and promotional days, (orders may take 07 to 10 business days in processing and  ready to ship (apologies). Your order is sent to our warehouse, packed, and dispatched with great care.

Delivery to the USA

Standard Shipping   $50  07 to 20 Days Delivery

You have to pay shipping charges on Standard shipping orders placed on We are committed to delivering your order accurately, in good condition, and on time. We ship most items within 7-14 working days after order placement.
To ensure that your order reaches you as quickly as possible and in good condition, we only ship through reputable local courier services.

International Shipping 

We are committed to delivering your order accurately, in good condition, and on time. We ship most items to international destinations within 10-14 working days after order placement. But you should keep in mind that in special events order may take longer to ship.
To ensure that your order reaches you as quickly as possible and in good condition, we only ship through reputable and globally renowned courier agencies.

Note: During sales and promotional days order may take 7-10 days in processing and after that be ready to ship. (apologies)
For any complaints, suggestions, or tracking of your online orders please contact us

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